My eyes and heart opened like never before. I was profoundly inspired. I found my calling.
I had always been passionate about Champagne, but like most people, I knew only of the large, prestigious Champagne houses. To follow my interest, I immersed myself in this region of France, learning from noted Champagne devotees, tasting the most incredible wines and experiencing the culture, cuisine and scenery of this remarkable part of the world.
But in 2014, I discovered the wine beyond the bubbles.
I was introduced to the small Champagne growers - the families from tiny villages who farm the land they live on, producing perhaps only a few thousand organically-grown bottles each year. Tasting the wines from these small growers was an experience that left me utterly mesmerised. Their wines had an inexplicable refinement, yet a discreet power. They tasted of artistry. Their wines were so natural and pure they were simply exquisite.
My mission in life became clear. It is my calling to share and promote small-grower wines from Champagne - to take them from being relatively unknown to deservedly revered and celebrated.
Each bottle from these growers evokes so much. Each bottle has a story, a rich history that has been shaped by the humble grower. It’s their family, their terroir, their passion that you taste in every sip.
At Winnifred’s, I share these stories with you.